PT Jasa Mulia Maritim doing the best quality maritime, trading services to our clients through our extensive local and global ship trading network and system as well as strong relations with ship owners. Our depth of experience in diverse mark observe allows us to support our clients at all levels of their decision making The comprehensive portfolio includes Sale & purchase new building, second hand, tonnage, scraping and demolition.

• Ship Sale & Purchase of New Building, Second Hand and Ship Scrap Unit.
This business is the heart of the company's activities and covers the full range of ship types. Base on daily market research result, our inhouse well trained traders &brokers can give the best advice to ship buyer and seller. Our expertise enables the buyer and seller to obtain the best possible price and delivery terms while minimizing their risk.

Trading Network cover : South East Asia
Partner in : Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, South Korea, China, Malaysiaand Singapore.

• Ship Demolition
We are continuously monitors price fluctuations and trends in this highly volatile market. Our extensive experience in practices, payment and delivery procedures and reputations of various ship breakers and cash buyers in all major ship-breaking markets worldwide is of considerable value to our clients in disposing of their old vessels. Our expertise in this sector enables our clients to obtain the best possible price and delivery terms while minimizing the risk. We also arranges the sale of vessels on an "as is/where is" basis with the buyer taking full responsibility for transportation to the recycling area as well as arranging for ocean towage of vessels that cannot proceed under their own power.
• Ship Transportation
We are committed to provide our customers with the best means of delivering shipments safely and on time to designated locations. Through our multi-moda transportation solution we combine and integrate different means of transport modes to best accommodate our customers schedules, budget and tailored needs.
Our success to become one of the leading service in shipping industry in indonesia. Main services offer include the transshipment of dry bulk cargo from transportation barges to ocean going bulk carriers, lightening of barges and trimming of vessel's cargo, tankers, LCT and offshore vessel.